EY Badges and Degrees can be seen as a contemporary 'symphony' of perpetual curiosity, where each 'note' represents a valuable lesson, and every day of a program is a new movement in one's career path. Lifelong learning is the art of staying young at heart and sharp of mind. It's the thrill of diving into uncharted oceans of knowledge, unearthing gems from the depths of wisdom. Like a chameleon, we adapt and evolve, painting our minds with the vibrant hues of experience. Similarly, organizations follow the same path. With each lesson learned, we weave a richer 'tapestry' of existence. In this boundless classroom, age is just a number, and the thirst for knowledge becomes the elixir of everlasting youth and constant improvement and change, reminding us that the journey is as precious as the destination. This is a story about an organization that enables people to grow, explore, and stay relevant for today and tomorrow. And it does so in a unique way.


IEEE format

S. Jovanović, L. Dražeta, “Education reimagined: ey badges and degrees,” in FINIZ 2023 - Sustainable development as a measure of modern business success, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2023, pp. 109-113. doi: 10.15308/finiz-2023-109-113 

APA format

Jovanović, S., Dražeta, L. (2023). Education reimagined: ey badges and degrees. Paper presented at FINIZ 2023 - Sustainable development as a measure of modern business success. doi:10.15308/finiz-2023-109-113

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