The era we live in is characterized by discontinuous changes that impose the necessity for the company's leadership to seek out new sources of competitive advantage. Innovative technology is no longer the dominant basis of differentiation. In the 21st century, marked by the rapid proliferation of technological innovations, a paradox that underscores the enduring significance of individuals as the primary drivers of differentiation emerges. Everything comes from human ideas. People innovate processes, define the production program, implement financial strategies. This leads us to the evolution of human resources management from an administrative to a strategic function, which allows it to connect people and organizational performance in a specific way. As the basic problem of human resources management is the lack of quantitative indicators and the causal relationship between investment in people and yield, a space for a set of indicators of quality of HR policies and practice is created. For the management, they represent a specific source of information and guidance for decision-making. The paper starts from the theoretical basics of human resources management, key indicators of the quality of HRM activities are presented, the discipline of human resources accounting is critically presented. The results of the research show that there is an insufficient development of human resources management in relation to the EU and countries in the region, but they show a tendency for improvement


IEEE format

D. Đukić, F. Unić, “Key indicators of the quality of human resource policies and activities,” in FINIZ 2023 - Sustainable development as a measure of modern business success, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2023, pp. 94-100. doi: 10.15308/finiz-2023-94-100 

APA format

Đukić, D., Unić, F. (2023). Key indicators of the quality of human resource policies and activities. Paper presented at FINIZ 2023 - Sustainable development as a measure of modern business success. doi:10.15308/finiz-2023-94-100

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